#からみそらーめん #ふくろう の#からみそまぜそば も期待を裏切らない美味しさだ!#shorts

#からみそらーめん #ふくろう の#からみそまぜそば も期待を裏切らない美味しさだ!#shorts


先说对不起。 对我来说,大葱是一种能量成分,所以我跳过了大葱版本。
Karamiso拉面猫头鹰。 今天的挑战是Karamiso Mazesoba。 Fukuro的总店在他家附近开张时,他称赞这家店有名店的预感,至今一共来过100多次,但都是karamiso拉面,对其他没有兴趣菜单,稻田。 本来第一家店开张的时候就没有其他菜单了。
在某种程度上,我非常喜欢它,以至于当我尝试其他菜单项时我不想失望,但今天,出于某种原因,我想吃 Mazesoba。 这可能是一种戒断症状,​​因为我最近没有吃过“油荞麦面”的kajiken。
结果是 Karamiso Ramen 本身的 Mazesoba 版本,它很丰富。 吃它可以促进你的新陈代谢,让你大汗淋漓。 这很好。
因为大葱是一种能量成分,我要求他们省略大葱,但这可能和大葱一起吃会更美味。 此外,最后加入白米饭并将其与gohan混合是不可抗拒的。 我正在节食,所以当我达到我的目标体重时,我会把这个乐趣留给。

I’m sorry first. For me, green onions are an energy ingredient, so I skipped the green onion version.
Karamiso ramen owl. Today’s challenge is Karamiso Mazesoba. When the head office of Fukuro opened in his neighborhood, he praised it as having a premonition of a famous restaurant, and has visited more than 100 times in total so far, but all of them are karamiso ramen, and he has no interest in other menus. rice field. In the first place, there were no other menus when the first store opened.
In a way, I liked it so much that I didn’t want to be disappointed when I tried other menu items, but today, for some reason, I feel like eating Mazesoba. It may be a withdrawal symptom because I haven’t been eating kajiken of “abura soba” recently.
The result is the Mazesoba version of Karamiso Ramen itself, which is rich. Eating it boosts your metabolism and makes you sweat profusely. this is good.
Since green onions are an energy ingredient, I ask them to omit the green onions, but this would probably be more delicious with green onions. Furthermore, it would be irresistible to add white rice at the end and mix it with gohan. I’m on a diet, so I’ll leave this fun for when I reach my target weight.
